1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 books before kindergarten logo Will you read 1000 books to your child before s/he starts kindergarten? This might sound difficult but if you read just one book a night to an infant or toddler, that’s 365 books in a year, 730 in two years, and 1095 in just three years. Most children start kindergarten around age 5, so you very likely have enough time. The key is to persevere and make the reading exciting and fun!

Program Details

Start by signing up for the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten on our Beanstack website.

  • Open our Beanstack webpage.
  • Select “Register an Individual or Family” and register yourself and your child.
  • Select the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” link.
  • As you read with your child, record the books in Beanstack.
  • For every 100 books you read, we have incentives available for pickup in our children’s library.
  • When you reach the 500 and 1000 book marks, we have prizes available for you.

Any children who have not yet entered kindergarten can participate. To complete the program, you must finish 1000 books before the first day of kindergarten. You may only count the books you read after signing up, but you may count any book read to your child, whether at home, childcare, in story time or elsewhere. Also, if your child has a favorite book, it counts every time you read it!

For additional information, call 208-612-8460 and ask for our children’s desk.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a registered trademark of the 1000 Books Foundation. Used with permission.