Book Club in a Bag

picture of book club sets on the shelf

Book Club in a Bag

Book Sets for Local Book Clubs

Book Club in a Bag is a special library collection for local book clubs. Each book club set comes with 10 copies of the same title. Send a member of your book club to the library to check out the set that interests you. This person will be responsible for disseminating the copies to other book club members and for gathering and returning the set to the library. Sets check out for 6 weeks and must be checked out at and returned to our third-floor desk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can we find the book sets?
The Book Club in a Bag sets are available on the third floor of the library between large print and the magazine reading area.

Can we place holds on book club sets?
No, book club sets are not available to request.

Can we renew book club sets?
No, book club sets cannot be renewed.

Can we check out more than one set?
Yes, your book club representative may checkout as many sets as her account can hold. Resident library cards have a 50-item checkout limit. Each copy in a set counts against this limit, so one set will use up 10 of the borrower’s 50 potential checkouts.

What happens if we lose a book in the set?
The library will add the replacement cost for the lost item to the library card that checked out the set. The card holder may settle up with the other book club member, as needed, to cover the replacement cost.

We can’t find an older set. Where did it go?
From time to time, the library evaluates the Book Club in a Bag collection and retires those sets that are no longer checking out. This means that older, less popular sets may eventually cycle out of the collection.

Is this book appropriate for my book club?
Since everyone has a different idea of what is appropriate, that is really difficult for us to answer. You can use NoveList Plus or various online resources to help you determine that for your book club.

New Sets

Every year, the library adds approximately 10 new sets to our Book Club in a Bag collection. In August and September, we accept nominations from patrons for the next year’s new sets. In October, patrons may vote on the sets they prefer. In early- to mid-January, we announce the titles selected and make the new sets available for checkout.

For more information, call 208-612-8460 or send us a message online.